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U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - Flotilla 84 - Somerset, MA

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Commander's Notebook

Alex MalgieriWelcome to USCGAUX Flotilla 8-4, which is located in Somerset, MA. Most
of our members live within a short distance of Narragansett Bay.

Since its founding by an Act of Congress in 1939, the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary has established a proud tradition of supporting the Coast Guard in accomplishing its mission.

Qualified Auxiliarists teach basic boating safety and seamanship skills to the general boating public. We are also involved in marine safety patrols, search and rescue, and environmental protection surveys. Other activities include conducting free vessel safety checks on recreational vessels of any size to ensure that they comply with all Federal and State requirements.

As a volunteer member of the Auxiliary, we are entitled to the same education and training available to members of the Coast Guard at no charge for tuition or books.

The opportunities are endless and too numerous to list here. There is something for every area of interest.

If you would like to find out more, please attend one of our monthly meetings. In addition to our volunteer work, we also enjoy a time of fellowship and fun at picnics, dinner meetings, and on-the-water activities.

I look forward to meeting you at one of our meetings. Come check us out and see what we have to offer.

Alex Malgieri
Flotilla Commander
Flotilla 84




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