Coast Guard Auxiliary Logo

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - Flotilla 84 - Somerset, MA

Quick Links
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Coast Guard Home Page
Office of Boating Safety
Coast Guard Academy
Coast Guard Foundation
Coast Guard Institute
Coast Guard Mutual Assistance
Coast Guard Navigation Center (NAVCEN)
Coast Guard Chief Director Of The Auxiliary
Boating Safety and Related Organizations
BoatUS Foundation
Float Plan Central (U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary)
International Search & Rescue Competition
National Association Of State Boating Law Administrators
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Safe Boating Council
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
U.S. Power Squadrons
United Safe Boating Institute
Boating Laws & Regulations
Federal Boating Regulations (U.S. Coast Guard - Office of Boating Safety)
Navigation Rules (U.S. Coast Guard)
Canada/Mexico Pleasure Boat Re-entry Procedures (U.S. Customs & Border Protection)
State Boating Laws (U.S. Coast Guard - Office of Boating Safety)
State Education Requirements (BoatUS Foundation)

Links to non-Coast Guard entities are not under the control of the United States Coast Guard or the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, and are provided for the convenience of our customers. They do not, in any way, constitute an endorsement of the linked pages or any commercial or private issues or products presented there. We cannot make any warranty or representation concerning the content of these sites, or secondary sites from the pages to which they link.


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