Coast Guard Auxiliary Logo

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - Flotilla 84 - Somerset, MA

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Welcome to the Flotilla 8-4's Member area. We've attempted to centralize all of the information a member may require in this one place. Please let us know if we can provide additional links by contacting Flotilla 8-4 Webmaster.

As always, your first stop should be the US Coast Guard Auxiliary's What's New page for the very latest Auxiliary news and information.

Underway Currency Maintenance / Recertification Check Ride

To maintain currency in the Boat Crew Program, Crew Members, Coxswains, and PWC Operators must perform defined tasks annually and be evaluated by a Qualification Examiner (QE) during an underway check ride at least every three years following initial certification. For complete details, please visit the Department of Operations -Surface Program. Here you will also find the
Performance Criteria for Coxswains and the Performance Criteria for Crew Members .

Member Dues Are Now Due!
Please remit your membership dues payment as soon as your receive your statement. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Important Announcement Posted 3-7-07
All elected officers and all staff officers in Aviation, Communication, Communication Services, Marine Safety and Operations, regardless of the level of their office, are required to complete IS 100 and 700 by 31 December 2007

In addition, all VCP's, DCP's, RCOs, VCO and DCO as well as Division and District Staff Officers in Aviation, Communication, Communications Services, Marine Safety and Operations, are required to also have completed IS 200 and 800 by 31 December 2007.

All four ICS courses are available from the District's website. They are self study. Should you need additional information, please contact the Vice Flotilla Commander.

Everything Auxiliary at your fingerclicks!

Links to non-Coast Guard entities are not under the control of the United States Coast Guard or the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, and are provided for the convenience of our customers. They do not, in any way, constitute an endorsement of the linked pages or any commercial or private issues or products presented there. We cannot make any warranty or representation concerning the content of these sites, or secondary sites from the pages to which they link.


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