Division 8

Below are 'canned' reports generated from AUXINFO. With one click you will be able to generate and save the most often requested reports.
Thanks to Keith Weston SO-CS 4 for setting up the backend of this process.
Updated each Sunday Evening ]


Report Name


Tasks - 2005


Tasks - 2006


Tasks - 2007


Member Activity - 2005


Member Activity - 2006


Member Activity - 2007


PB Inspection Count - 2006


PB Inspection Count - 2007


FACI Inspection Count - 2006


FACI Inspection Count - 2007


MDV Count - 2006


MDV Count - 2007


Boat Crew Competencies


Air Crew Competencies


Unit Competencies (VE,IT,etc)


Unit Facilities


Member Awards


[Instructions for use] [Report Descriptions] [Print/Savings Reports in Acrobat]
[Printing/Savings in Excel]

Instructions For Use

Follow along the row containing the desired report and click the box below Division 8.

Give the reports time to generate.  Some of these reports take a minute or two if traffic is heavy..

Be sure to check the top of the report for the date on which the report data was compiled.  The data is updated each Sunday evening.

These reports can easily be tailored to meet specific needs with only an additional mouse click or two.  

If you wish to only view a particular flotilla, display the division report and then click on the flotilla name and the report will regenerate to display just that flotilla.

If you wish to only view one individual, display the division report and then click on the individual's name and the report will regenerate to display just that individual.

If you wish to display only one category of activity, display the division report and then click on the desired category's (column heading) and the report will regenerate to display just that category.

You can click on a flotilla, let the report regenerate and then click on a specific category to display just that category for that flotilla only.

There are a many other techniques to fine tune the reports but the explanations will detract from the simplicity of this one click system.  Hopefully, the above reporting tool will whet your appetite to learn more about using AuxInfo.  AuxInfo can be found at  http://www.auxinfo.uscg.gov/. For help in using AuxInfo, visit http://www.cgaux.info/g_ocx/auxdata/auxinfohelp.htm.

After the report displays, to fill your screen with the report, click on the left pointing triangle at the top right of the screen dividing bar.

Please note that all columns/rows with zeros are suppressed. Only those lines/columns that have a number greater than zero are shown.

Don't worry about destroying data or messing up the system.  You can't hurt anything by experimenting.


Report Descriptions


The AUXDATA Tasks Report contains personnel training task status (task completion) for Auxiliarists.  The TASKS Report lists by flotilla, by individual, by date task was performed, all tasks completed in the areas of currency maintenance, initial qualifications, professional development and workshops.  A one ("1") in a column means that the task described in the column heading has been completed during the report year.  Note that the TASKS Report begins anew each year.


The AUXDATA Member Activities Report displays statistics related to individual member participation in Auxiliary missions. Hours performed to complete Auxiliary missions using Air, Boat, and Radio facilities are available in addition to hours spent in support of Unit based missions such as Public Education or Public Affairs. Supplemental statistics such as ATON Verified, PE and PA related contributions, and other mission related parameters are also available.

The one click Member Activity report list hours engaged in member activities.  To see "counts" rather than "hours" e.g. the number of vessels examined, an additional operation must be performed after the Member Activity report is displayed.  On the left side of the screen will be a grouping of folders.  Click on the + box to the left of the MEASURES folder.  A list of various activities will be displayed.  RIGHT click on the activity desired and a menu will pop up.  Click on FILTER to cause the report to regenerate and display the activity count.


The AUXDATA Competencies Reports (broken into three categories, Boat, Air & Unit) contain personnel training and qualification status (competency completion) for Auxiliarists.  A one under the heading "Number of Certifications" means the Auxiliarist is currently certified in the qualification shown at the very top on the columns.  A one under the heading "Number of REYR" means the Auxiliarist has had their certification suspended for not performing the required annual tasks.  A one under the heading "Number of REWK" means the Auxiliarist has had their certification suspended for not attending a workshop.  If the workshop is not made up by 30 September, the status will change to "REYR".


The AUXDATA Facility cube contains information on all Auxiliary resources (facilities) and unit locations. 


The AUXDATA Awards cube contains information on all awards received by an Auxiliarist including number and type of awards a member has been issued: unit level statistics are also available.


Printing/Saving Reports in Acrobat

To print a report using Acrobat, follow these steps.  While the report is being displayed, look at the bottom of the screen for a group of icons.  There will be an icon on the right end of the group that looks like a sheet of paper with the corner folded over.  Just to the right of that icon is a black triangle pointing upwards.  Click on that triangle and a menu will pop up.  Click on the "Export to PDF" option.  A dialog box will pop up that allows you to select your desired orientation i.e. landscape or portrait, your paper size and whether or not you want to display frame borders.  Once you've made your choices, click on "Export".  This will launch Adobe Acrobat and load the report.  Once loaded, you can print and/or save it from within the Acrobat program.


Printing/Saving Reports in Excel

If you would like to save your reports in a "CSV" (comma separated values) file format so that you can read it into Excel for further analysis, click on the upward pointing triangle to the right of the sheet of paper icon at the bottom of the screen.  When the menu pops up, click on "Export to CVS".  This will launch Excel and load the report.  Now, on the Excel screen, click "File" and "Save As".  When the Save As dialog box pops up, be sure to change the "Save as Type" box to the .xls file format.  Now you can print the report or perform any desired analysis. 

Backend Prepared by Keith Weston SO-CS 4