Coast Guard Auxiliary Logo

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - Flotilla 84 - Somerset, MA

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Vessel Safety Check Web Site

Information on Free Vessel Safety Checks

Free Vessel Safety Checks
Find a safety examiner in your area.

onCourse Boating Safety Articles NEW
as published in The Spectator, Somerset, MA

Public Education

... is one of the cornerstones of the Auxiliary. Classes from basic power boating and sailing to advanced navigation are regularly offered all year long. Visit the Public Education page for a list of the classes that are offered and a schedule of upcoming classes in the First District (Northern) area.

Courses offered by Flotilla 84

November 10, 2007
9:00 am - 5 pm (lunch is included)
Old Town Hall, Somerset, MA

(if you would like us to email you when the next course if offered please click here

You're in Command Logo

You're in Command is the U.S. Coast Guard’s new public safe boating outreach initiative,  which encourages all recreational boaters to take responsibility for their actions on the water. As a boat owner or operator, you are responsible for your safety and the safety of your passengers. That’s why we say: “You’re in Command. Boat Safely!”



(courtesy of Flotilla 12, Bangor, Maine



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