Coast Guard Auxiliary Logo

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - Flotilla 84 - Somerset, MA

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Provided by 7th Coast Guard District Auxiliary

Links to non-Coast Guard entities are not under the control of the United States Coast Guard or the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, and are provided for the convenience of our customers. They do not, in any way, constitute an endorsement of the linked pages or any commercial or private issues or products presented there. We cannot make any warranty or representation concerning the content of these sites, or secondary sites from the pages to which they link.

On Line Exams

Training Presentations - Flash Format- All Courses

On Line Exams - Passing Exam Postings

Power Point Presentation Data Base

Search & Rescue Training Page


Vessel Safety Training Page

AuxAir Training Material

Weather Training Page


Auxiliary Coastal Navigation (AuxNav A & B Training Page)

 ICS Documents

Aids to Navigation Training Page

RBSVP Version -Marine Dealer Visitor Training

Patrols Training Page

Health & Safety Information

Boat Crew Training Page

In Flotilla Meeting Training

New Member Training Page

Uniforms and Ribbons

Communication Training Page

Ribbon Checker

NavRules Training

Qualification Input Page

Seamanship Training

My Auxie Note Book

AuxAPC Training


Tracking Training & Qualifications





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